Efficient Solutions for Document Management in the Digital Era

Scan Delivery

Astragraphia Document Solution - In the rapidly developing digital era, challenges in document storage and management are increasingly becoming the focus of attention. With its ability to simplify document scanning and pre-arrange output, Scan Delivery provides an efficient way to name and group scanned documents. Thus, not only increasing efficiency but also productivity in every work process.

According to data from Gartner 2009, almost 80% of documents scanned by the Company are in unstructured format and every year the amount of information created in the Company in paper and digital format also continues to increase. The Document Scan feature can be used because there are many problems that occur, such as unstructured document storage, both in naming files and documents, so it takes more time for users to name scanned documents.

Solution for Scan

When faced with the problem of archiving documents that you want to scan, searching for documents becomes difficult and time-consuming because there is no clear system for identifying or finding the required documents. This requires a simple workflow solution for contract document scanning, to allow users to select the types of documents to be scanned. Then after selecting, the scan results will automatically be saved in the specified folder with a file name that matches the type of document selected by the user. With the Scan Delivery feature, users can perform scans using output settings that have been previously prepared by the admin. In this feature, users can name files or folders easily by selecting from a list of previously prepared file names, such as Invoice, PO, Contract, Letter, and so on. This allows users to add just a little description to differentiate the file from others.

Main Feature

With its advanced and innovative features, the Fujifilm printer machine has become the main choice for companies that prioritize efficiency and quality in managing their documents. Some of the features available include:

• Auto Rotation, rotates the document upside down so that the user does not need to edit the rotation of the scanned document.

• Skip Blank Page, Removes blank pages from scanned documents so that the resulting scanned document is not a blank page.

• Skew Correction, aligns and cuts slanted documents so that the results match the original document.

• Split by Page, the scanned file results will be separated per page.

• Shadow & Background suppression, smoothes the shadow and background effects of scanned documents.

• Searchable & High Compression, scan results can be searched for document content and the file size is smaller.

• QR Code, allows the destination and naming of scanned files according to the QR Code in the document or header page of the scanned document.

• Sort Documents Using a Template with Document Information, allows retrieving content data as folder or file names.

• Text String Presets for File Name, There is a preset list that makes it easier for users so they don't need to type the entire document name.

Astragraphia as the Exclusive Distributor of FUJIFILM Business Innovation in Indonesia, is ready to support your business processes with Scan Delivery. To get further information, you can contact Halo Astragraphia at 1500-345 or the nearest Astragraphia Business Consultant Team in your area.

Source: [Industry_Solution][2].pdf

https://www.fujifilm.com/fbhk/-/media/FBHK/4,-d-,-Support--Drivers/Professional-Customer-Training-Support/Training-Notes/Software-and-Solution/Scan- Delivery-Kit-Xpress-eFiling/scandelivery_ug_en.pdf


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