The Collaboration of Astragraphia, Synnex Metrodata Indonesia, and Microsoft to Enable DaaS in assisting and creating a modern, Concise, and Efficient Workplace
Jakarta, December 13, 2022 – As the Leading Digital Workspace Partner of Customer Choice in Indonesia, PT Astra Graphia Tbk (Astragraphia), a printing and digital company, is committed to meeting the technological needs of workers in the hybrid and Work-from-Anywhere era (WFA). Not only that, but we want to provide desktop management benefits to companies in a variety of industries in Indonesia. Astragraphia collaborated with Microsoft Indonesia and Synnex Metrodata Indonesia to successfully hold an online webinar on December 13, 2022, which was attended by 187 Astragraphia partners and customers. This event is hosted by Microsoft Teams Meeting and has the theme "Simplify IT Operations to Focus Your Business with Device-as-a-Services (or DaaS)”.
The impact of digital transformation has changed the work environment. Companies that initially implemented a policy of working in an office pattern have switched to a hybrid way of working. With this hybrid model, companies are challenged to be more agile so that workflow becomes more concise and efficient. Often, managing Desktop Client Device (DTM) feels time and resource-consuming. On the other hand, companies must focus on their core business and task deadlines must remain on track. This shift has resulted in an increase in the need for the corporate segment to use cloud technology, flexible Client Devices management, and optimization of the work environment to make it more concise. To answer the urgency above, Astragraphia began introducing Astragraphia Desktop Management as part of Device-as-a-Services (DaaS). This trend is now becoming increasingly massive among companies in various industrial sectors both globally and in Indonesia.
Rudy Sunarto, Chief of Planning and Marketing at PT Astra Graphia Tbk, stated, "According to Gartner research, the growth in the Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) trend tripled in just the first quarter of 2020." According to Gartner, the number of DaaS users will increase by more than 150% between 2020 and 2023. DaaS, a subscription-based service, addresses the needs of businesses that are shifting from high capital expenditures for technology (Capex) to operating expenses (OpEx). It is hoped that through this collaboration, companies will be able to simplify IT operational workflows and provide employees with a concise and comfortable work experience, allowing them to focus on their core business."
Aileen Amanda, Microsoft Indonesia's Device Partner Solutions Sales Channel Executive, stated that DaaS is a service solution that can provide an even better experience for customers by supporting the company's work productivity and operational costs as efficiently as possible with a hybrid-work model in the company. Microsoft values the collaboration and cooperation that is taking place between Astragraphia, Microsoft, and Synnex Metrodata Indonesia, because it is hoped that through this collaboration, DaaS and Astragraphia Desktop Management service solutions will reach and be known by the wider community and all companies in Indonesia.
During the series of webinars, Astragraphia presented 3 special speakers in the field of DaaS. In the first presentation session, Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit as an IT expert and Chancellor of Pradita University said that companies to be able to adapt and develop must be agile. The presence of Device as a Service (DaaS) is one of the answers for companies how to continue to run a business based on the latest technology while also providing a better experience for employees but with the most effective investment and operational costs. Second, Mr. Hari Tharmakumar as Channel Sales Leader of Device Partner Solution from Microsoft South East Asia is present online. conveyed several pain points that are often experienced in this era of digital transformation that companies sometimes experience problems in monitoring and tracking quite a lot of company IT assets for their employees due to limited time and resources. In addition, employees are still required to make decisions quickly and work on work deadlines on track. So, with DaaS, a Managed Services solution from Microsoft, companies can work and be connected to the cloud but remain safe, under control, and run operations quickly and productively.
Finally, Mr. Cipto Handy Utomo as Head of Multi Product Marketing & Support - PT Astra Graphia Tbk introduced Astragraphia Desktop Management (AGDM) as part of The Implementation of DaaS in Astragraphia. AGDM's product portfolio consists of Desktop Management, Mobile Device Management, Desktop Management Tools, Mobile Device Management Tools, and Operation Devices. After the presentation of the material then continued with the Astragraphia Desktop Management (AGDM) demo session. It is hoped that this AGDM can help Astragraphia customers focus on the company's core business, increase work productivity, reduce downtime and increase user satisfaction, fixed operational costs, and detailed reporting every month (number of calls, username, and department, response time) to help customers analyze as well as responding to requests for standardization of the company's IT management needs in the future. At the end of the event there was a question and answer session which presented Prof. Richardus Eko Indrajit and Mr. Cipto Handy Utomo and moderated by Vania Aribowo as MC and Business Consultant from PT Astra Graphia Tbk. Apart from that, there was also Exclusive Astragraphia Merchandise as well as a number of chairs and door prizes given to customers who attended until the end of the event.
Let's join to get a better work experience and realize a concise, cost-effective, and flexible transformation of desktop management for all companies in Indonesia!