Supporting Digital Innovation in the Health Sector, Astragraphia Attends the 2023 Sumsel Health Expo Exhibition in Palembang
Palembang, June 9–10 2023 The South Sumatra branch of the Association of Indonesian Private Hospitals (ARSSI) held Hospital Expo 2023 with the focus on "South Sumatra Health Tourism" at the Social Market (SOMA) in Palembang. There were 40 participants in this first health exhibition, including 20 additional private and public hospitals as well as a number of clinics. The Head of the South Sumatra Provincial Health Office (Dinkes), Dr. H. Trisnawarman M.Kes., SpKKLP, and Taufick Zainurrahmadhani, Branch Manager of Astragraphia Palembang Branch, attended and opened the ARSSI Sumsel Hospital Expo 2023, respectively, on behalf of the Governor of South Sumatra.
We are aware that hospitals and the healthcare industry require a nearly constant flow of information between physicians, nurses, and patients. To ensure the efficient transfer of this information and to keep patients and staff informed of crucial information, you can rely on print and document management systems. How does your printing setup work where you are? It becomes crucial to consider how the printing procedure used by a business in the healthcare sector affects the patient's experience at the hospital or medical office.
The newest printer device from FUJIFILM Business Innovation was on display by Astragraphia at the ARSSI Hospital Expo 2023 exhibition booth to strengthen consistency in the provision of digital document service products and solutions. The presence of Astragraphia encourages the development of digital innovations for management in the health industry, one of the key industries for the Indonesian economy. As a company specializing in printing and digital services, Astragraphia continues to be dedicated to promoting transformation and accelerating business growth through the use of cutting-edge digital technology that can be customized, flexible, secure, and easily accessible by actors in the health sector and hospitals in Indonesia.
With Astragraphia's participation, it is hoped that Astragraphia's position as a leading Digital Workspace Partner in Indonesia will be strengthened, enabling it to assist hospitals and businesspeople in the health sector with faster document management.