Astragraphia Webinar: Drive Print Shop Business Through Social Media


Social Media Webinar

July 17, 2020 - Undergoing business activities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic became something different. The impact is that print shops need a way to be able to maintain their business operations so that they are running normally. Entering the New Normal phase. One of the big changes we feel is a significant increase in internet usage during the pandemic. Now people in Indonesia are starting to turn online for searching for information and making purchases. It is a challenge for businesses who need to adopt new business strategies, where shifts in internet usage patterns during this pandemic can be the basis of marketing strategies to start switching from offline to online.

This is what makes businesses including printing businesses need new branding strategies through digital channels. Astragraphia Social Media as a trusted partner in document solutions and Indonesian customer choice held the 5th Astragraphia Webinar. Titled Boost Print Shop Business Sales Through Social Media #smartbusinessprinting on Friday, July 17, 2020. Astragraphia shows social media as a channel for branding as well as marketing, promotion, and building engagement with visitors and customers through proper and interesting content.


The topic which contains light and informative tips is delivered by speakers. Anditia Putra as Social Media Specialist and Laetitia Caely Hermawan as Creative Designer from PT Astra Graphia Tbk. Attracting interest and enthusiasm from participants, the majority of whom come from print shop businesses. The event was moderated by Fitri Yuliani as Marketing Communications Dept. Head of PT Astra Graphia Tbk.

The following are 3 topics that were presented. Divided into 3 sessions with the following explanation:

1. The Importance of Branding for Printshop on Social Media

The most important part of the branding process through social media is to establish a visual identity and understand the target market of your print shop first. Start by defining the ideal customer based on the customer's age, location, gender, interests, needs, buying behavior, as well as challenges and obstacles. Monitor the discussion that occurs in the media to find out things that attract consumers, preferred platforms, and the form of content they like.

2. Build Engagement Through Content

Uploads that get good responses can indicate the type of content your customers like. Pay attention to the quality of the message conveyed along with other factors such as color, type of image, description, type of goods or service offered. Clear consistency in branding and content development activities not only helps businesses stand out among many competitors but also more accessible to targeted customers.

3. The Importance of Promotion Ads for Printshop Through Social Media

After everything has been set, start using Facebook Ads through Facebook Fans Page and Instagram for Business as the main means to help your print shop. By using Promotion Ads, your printshop branding will be more targeted and in accordance with the specified target customers.

The organizers of the astragraphia webinar event on social media

Thank you to all the participants who were willing to attend and actively participate in the Webinar. We hope this webinar can provide great benefits for print shop businesses and the general public so this business can continue to grow and achieve sales targets.


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