Astragraphia Supports Optimization of University Press Towards “Program Kampus Merdeka”
July 7, 2020 - Astragraphia once again held its 3rd online webinar through the ZOOM online meeting application with the name "Optimizing the Development of University Press as a Supporter of the “Program Kampus Merdeka” in Higher Education".
A University does need a University Press to support the publication of scientific work that has been produced both by lecturers, researchers / young academics, and prospective scholars. With the University Press for educational institutions having a central role in improving academic level, both in supporting accreditation as well as supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of higher education, one of them is community service through the responsibility of publishing intellectual assets such as scientific journals, textbooks, literature, thesis, and others.
However, there are several challenges that must be passed by the University Press this year. Not to mention the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic as it is today, the impact of University Press operations has decreased dramatically because universities are required to temporarily close during the PSBB period. In addition, with the implementation of the new regulation, Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Regulation No. 4 of 2020, and the "Kampus Merdeka" policy, it is hoped that this moment will become a race for the University.
The 3rd Astragraphia webinar was completed on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 and succeeded in gaining enthusiasm by as many as 112 people, especially those engaged in the University Press and Higher Education industries. During a period of 3 hours, Astragraphia Webinar took a competent resource as Keynote Speaker, namely the Chairperson of APPTI Bp. Dr. Purnomo Ananto, MM and collaborated with Gramedia and IPB Press and moderated by Bp. Nanang Varisdianto as Graphic Communications Services Industry Specialist from PT Astra Graphia Tbk.
Thank you to the participants who participated in the Astragraphia Webinar this time "Optimizing University Press as a Supporter of the" Independent Campus Program in Higher Education ". Hopefully, this Astragraphia Webinar is expected to provide insight and be a positive stimulus for the University Press. One of them is as a strategy to face the era of "The New Normal" and "The Next Normal" after passing through the pandemic. Astragraphia always shows its commitment and existence as Preferred Partner and Market Leader in documentary solutions, including University Press solutions.