Astragraphia Strengthens Customer Mindset Towards a Digital Work Ecosystem

Work digital

Astragraphia Document Solution, 20 August 2021 – The world of work has changed. The manual and conventional work environment ecosystem is now shifting to all practical and digital, known as the Future of Work. This trend creates anxiety and challenges for both workers and companies.

What Exactly is the Future of Work?

Future of Work is a hot topic discussed by the world of work today. According to the results of a survey from Gartner in 2021 on Future of Work, there are the following trends for workers and companies:

1. There is an increase of 48% of company employees who prefer to work from home or from anywhere (remote) when compared to before the pandemic.

2. In addition, 54% of employees surveyed globally, stated that their productivity is further increased by using this new work style and flexible work experience. Compared to working full-time in an office with operating hours from 8 am to 5 pm.

3. As many as 55% of employees will choose to stay in a company if the company allows its employees to choose a flexible working style from home (WFH) or from anywhere (remote-working).

What are the indicators that a company has transformed into a digital work ecosystem or the future of work?

1. The Workspace of The Future

The company has started to enforce a policy where employees can perform a new style of work from home known as Work-From-Home or from anywhere flexibly known as Remote-Work (People).

2. The Workforce of The Future

Currently, an average of 75% of the workers in the company is dominated by the millennial generation. Millennials are considered high-tech and ready to work in new ways. The future of work has been greatly influenced by their transition to the world of work.

3. The Workculture of The Future

In addition, there are developments in workflow automation that increase productivity, increase efficiency, data security, and convenience (Process). Finally, there is a digital platform transformation that can connect employee collaboration with one another at work (Technology).

Are Indonesian Companies Ready To Transform To Future Of Work In People, Process, and Technology Aspects?

PT Kalbe Tbk, one of the leading national companies in Indonesia, as well as customers using Astragraphia multifunction printers, feels the impact of the changing trend of Future of Work. Therefore, as a business owner, Kalbe has started to prepare with the Future of Work system and situation.

Through the "IT Kalbe Digital Event 2021" with the theme "Digital Document Transformation",

PT Kalbe Tbk, as one of the national companies in Indonesia, wants to carefully prepare this digital work environment. The IT Kalbe Digital Event is organized by PT Kalbe Tbk together with the Corporate Affairs, Legal, and other Functions Divisions. 2021 is the third year of organizing this IT Kalbe Digital Event. Presenting a resource person, Ivo Moranda Bezato Daely (Software and Solution Specialist), Astragraphia accelerated the Future of Work trend with Smart Work Solutions.

Astragraphia as a leading document solution provider in Indonesia as well as the exclusive distributor of FUJIFILM Business Innovation is very aware and understands the conditions that are happening in the current work environment. Companies need to rethink carefully, evaluate what needs to be prepared in creating a style change mindset and a digital work environment ecosystem (Future of Work) in order to survive and even develop.

The Smart Work solution from Astragraphia is an integrated, efficient, and secure digital work portal concept consisting of Manage Print Solution, Manage Document Workflow, Document Management System, and Electronic DocuSign which is connected to Astragraphia multifunction printer machine.

The hope is that Astragraphia can help and strengthen the customer's mindset in creating a digital ecosystem in the "Future of Work" work environment in a mature manner. So that PT Kalbe Tbk can implement a better digital document workflow.







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