Astragraphia Educates the Banking Industry to Be Ready to Face VUCA with Good and Proper Document/Archive Management

Jakarta, 24 November 2022 - The current pandemic conditions and digital transformation have encouraged the business sector in various industries to survive and increase their competitiveness. These changes triggered Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, or what is called (VUCA), one of which occurred in the banking sector. Changes in the business ecosystem that are driven by digitalization flows can certainly cause economic and technological disruption. One of the impacts is the service provider sector, namely the banking industry. For this reason, it is very important for the Banking Industry in Indonesia to have global competitiveness to continue to adapt and survive in these VUCA conditions.
In order to support the banking industry to be ready to face VUCA, the Archives Education and Training Foundation (YPPK) in collaboration with PT Swadharma Sentra Solusi held a virtual webinar with the theme "The Importance of the Role of Good/Right Documents/Archives in the Banking Industry" on November 24, 2022. This webinar aims to provide training on how to properly manage documents/files in the banking industry. Of course, it is not easy for the banking industry to face challenges in the digital era. In line with the vision and mission to support the banking industry to be ready to face the VUCA challenge, Astragraphia wants to carefully prepare how to slowly transition so that banking industry companies in Indonesia are ready to face VUCA. For this reason, Astragraphia was invited to be one of the speakers in the webinar to educate on how to properly and correctly manage documents and archives in digital form.
A total of 92 people from institutions or banking institutions attended the event which was moderated by Toety Tasdik Kinanto, S.H, M.M. This event also invited speakers who are in the field of archives and document management. Present to give a Keynote Speech, Dr. Ary Zulfikar, S.H, M.H, as Legal Executive Director of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), and 3 other sources, namely Mr. Rudy Sunarto as Chief of Planning and Marketing of PT Astra Graphia Tbk (representing King Iriawan Sutanto as Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk who is currently traveling service), Dr. Desi Pratiwi, MIM as Deputy for Archive Development for ANRI, Pardiyono as Deputy Director at the Department of Bank Supervision 1-5 Financial Services Authority (OJK).

First, Dr. Ary Zulfikar, S.H, M.H, as the Legal Executive Director of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) said that the VUCA condition had significantly changed public expectations of financial services. Archives have an important role in the banking industry. Therefore archives must be properly managed in accordance with archival principles, rules and standards. With the development of information technology, archive management can also be done digitally. In addition, archive management is carried out by providing protection for personal data and confidential information. Reflected in the soaring changes in physical to digital transactions, which will also result in changes to the ecosystem and consumer behavior. Second, Ms. Desi Pratiwi Desi Pratiwi, MIM as the Deputy for Archive Development for ANRI, said that there are four important aspects that we need to pay attention to in order to protect data in managing records in the banking industry, including: data management methods or document archives, business models, regulations , and technology. Not only that, Mrs. Desi explained completely and clearly the categories of various types of archives and how they were managed.
Third, present as a guest speaker, Mr. Rudy Sunarto as Chief of Planning and Marketing of PT Astra Graphia Tbk who said that Astragraphia is committed to continuing to be the partner of choice for Indonesia's leading customers in the field of document solutions. For this reason, Mr. Rudy said that the existence of economic and technological disruptions made VUCA, a business or business condition completely uncertain, and the Banking Industry did not need to panic. Astragraphia provides an explanation of 5 ways how companies can be ready to face VUCA and form a good digital workflow, especially from a document management perspective.
Starting from synchronizing the digitization process which must be in line with the company's business STRATEGY. Next, there is an EXPERIENCE between the customer and the company's internal team that is undergoing a process of digital transformation of business processes. How can the digital transformation process carried out be able to maintain the company's CULTURE which is currently running well, then what kind of TECHNOLOGY technology investment will be applied when the company carries out digital transformation finally how the digital transformation being undertaken can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the work PROCESS which is currently running well and the internal team has the SKILL in carrying out the digital transformation process?
In choosing a device to be used for the process of digitizing documents, it is best if the device has the "key functions & features" of a document management solution platform as follows:
a. Document Management
b. Records Management
c. Capture
e. Collaboration
f. Productivity
Not only that, companies need to pay attention to a good and correct digital document workflow cycle, there are 4 processes that need to be passed, namely:
• Data input
This process is related to the input or source of data/documents that will be managed by a computer-based system within the framework of the Digital Transformation process, where the input data can be in the form of hardcopy (paper) or softcopy (computer files).
• Captures
the process of converting input data into data ready to be managed by a Content Management System management solution and then used for business purposes.
• Stores & Manage
In the company's digital document management process, at this stage, the solution used must have as complete features as possible according to the company's needs, especially in terms of carrying out work processes (workflows).
• Shares
This process is the final stage in a digital transformation process where we must be able to ensure that documents that are owned, and documents that are processed by the system can be distributed to interested parties. In carrying out the entire process of implementing the company document management system above, of course, we need careful planning and usually, we need a partner consultant who has the ability to make blueprints & SOPs for managing company documents.

In closing, Mr. Pardiyono as Deputy Director at the Department of Bank Supervision 1-5 Financial Services Authority (OJK), said that in order to answer the challenges of the VUCA, banking owners or managers need to also understand the second VUCA in the future, namely Vision, Understanding, Clarity, Agility. OJK as the banking supervision institution in Indonesia encourages bank owners to adapt to developments in technology services through digitization so that they are able to anticipate various situations and conditions. OJK also encourages the strengthening of the banking industry through regulatory reforms that refer to principles-based and provide a conducive space for the industry to grow and innovate, concluded Mr. Pardiyono.
Astragraphia hopes that today's webinar can provide enlightenment to Financial Services Industry companies in Indonesia as well as synergy and collaboration in realizing workflow processes and managing digital records/documents in a proper, good and correct way. So that the Financial Services Industry companies in Indonesia can provide more excellent services for customers.
More detailed information about this webinar with the theme "The Importance of Transferring Company Archive Documents in Digital Form in the Banking Industry", can be accessed via