Use and Return Cartridge Collection Program

Use and Return

Through the "Use and Return Cartridge Collection" program, Astragraphia is committed to realizing a reduction in carbon waste and environmental impact through the Astragraphia used cartridge recycling program.

We invite our customers to make a difference and create a better sustainable environment for everyone. Support the “Use and Return Cartridge Collection” Program with Astragraphia right now.

Follow and participate in the “Use and Return Cartridge Collection” Program from Astragraphia to help reduce the impact on the environment

The steps to participate in this program are as follows:

Use and Return

Step 1: Put the used cartridge into the recycling bag provided in the new sealed cartridge packaging.

Step 2: Place the sealed recycling bag into the empty box of new cartridges.

Step 3: Send the box containing the empty cartridges to the nearest Astragraphia Drop Point location to your location

* Shipping costs are borne by the customer.

* Please see the list of designated collection locations below:

Astragraphia Drop Point (JABODETABEK)

PT Astra Graphia Tbk Warehouse

  • Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Jl. Pulo Lentut No.14, RT.3/RW.1, Rw. Terate, Kec. Cakung, City of East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 13920

For customers who are the outside JABODETABEK area, please see the list of Astragraphia branch locations closest to your city at:

Genuine Original Supplies. This printer is designed to work only with Genuine Original Manufacture Supplies and you agree to use only Genuine Original Manufacture Supplies in this printer.

Supplies installed in the printer are subject to the limitation that supplies are used only once and then returned to the manufacturer for remanufacturing or recycling.

List of Supported Product Models:

The “Use and Return Cartridge Collection” program applies to supply items for machines purchased from Astragraphia, including the following models: Fujifilm ApeosPort/ ApeosPort Print C2410/3320/3830/3410/4020.

Model Printer


Kode Produk


Kode Produk

ApeosPort C2410SD / ApeosPort Print C2410SD

Black Use and Return

Toner Cartridge


Black High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Cyan Use and Return

Toner Cartridge


Cyan High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Magenta Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Magenta High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Yellow Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Yellow High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


ApeosPort C3320SD / ApeosPort Print C3320SD

Black Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Black Use and Return Imaging Kit


Cyan Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Black and Color Use and Return Imaging Kit


Magenta Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge



Yellow Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge



ApeosPort C3830SD

ApeosPort Print C3830SD

Black Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge



Black Use and Return Imaging Kit


Cyan Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Black and Color Use and Return Imaging Kit


Magenta Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge



Yellow Ultra High Use and Return Toner Cartridge



ApeosPort 3410SD

ApeosPort Print 3410SD

Black High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Black Extra High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


ApeosPort 4020SD

ApeosPort Print 4020SD

Black High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge


Black Extra High Yield Use and Return Toner Cartridge



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