The Importance of Knowing Pantone Color Management


Astragraphia Document Solution - Color is the perfect integration for a design. Therefore, for those of you who are in the world of graphic design and printing, knowing color management is a must. You must know the right color combination in order to produce a quality image and print application. During the pre-production process, this color determination process sometimes becomes a quite time-consuming step to retrieve the appropriate and desired color codes.

Astragraphia Document Solution invites you to get to know the Pantone color management system which is commonly used in the world of graphic design and printing.

What are the three Pantone color management systems commonly used in the printing world?


The CMYK color management system is a color system used in the printing world. CMYK stands for Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black. CMYK is a color model, where all colors are a mixture of these four colors. These colors are often referred to as full-color printing.

2. RGB

The RGB color management system is a color system used in digital media. So if you want to design for websites, smartphone apps, and other devices, use this RGB color system. Computer screens emit red (red), green (green), and blue (blue) light, or in English, it is abbreviated as RGB. The RGB color model is a color model in which these three colors are added in a variety of ways to produce a wider range of colors.

3.Special Colors (Spot Color)

Spot color is a special color that can be produced, for example, metallic colors and striking colors such as highlighter. With the use of this special color, the print results will be more stable, especially if the design uses block colors in a large area. The use of spot colors is arguably more effective if the printed media contains only 1-3 different colors.

What is Pantone?

Pantone is a standard color system issued by the Pantone Matching System containing a color palette containing 1,757. Pantone provides advanced color systems and technology that can provide accurate color communication. Anyone can refer to the Pantone system to ensure that the desired color matches.

One of the benefits of Pantone color management is that it makes the colors the standard during the CMYK process. Most materials printed on paper use the CMYK process, which is a printing process using four colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). By using Pantone, there is a special set of colors that can be reproduced using CMYK, from metallic colors to highlighter colors.

With the Pantone system, there are many special colors that can be produced, for example, metallic colors and fluorescent colors. Most Pantone color systems are on top of CMYK, but in 2001 Pantone began providing translations for their existing systems with the colors the computer screen emitted, namely red, green, and blue, to produce even more colors. However, this color chart system has an expiration date,

Astragraphia Document Solution as a Preferred Partner in each of your document solutions, also has a reliable Color Consultant Team who is ready to assist you in determining the right color collaboration which is located at Astragraphia's Document Solution Technological Center (DSTC), or you can contact Halo Astragraphia at 1500- 345 every Monday - Friday 08.00 - 17.00 WIB.


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