Stunning Print Results With Digital Emboss Technique With Astragraphia

Astragraphia Document Solution – For those of you who have business cards or certificates and have even received invitations from other people, try to pay close attention to how the logo or writing is printed there? Some of them definitely stand out, but some look ordinary. Your curiosity is actually already familiar in the world of printing. To produce print application creations like the question you asked above, requires a special printing technique of finishing.
Astragraphia Document Solution will invite you to delve deeper into how the embossing technique works to produce stunning print applications. The digital emboss technique is one of the finishing printing techniques by processing the background that gives a textured embossed effect (three-dimensional) in accordance with the motifs that have been designed on the printing plate. The embossing technique can be done with the help of a heat press finishing machine. The difference is that the embossed technique makes the prints stand out, while the debossing technique is the opposite.
As a leading document solution partner in Indonesia, Astragraphia Document Solution has a series of production-scale printing and finishing machines that can produce printing applications using the embossing technique. Print applications that apply the embossed technique are of very high quality and suitable for your business or business needs. Indana and Adityo Priyo Prakoso, who is the Business Development Graphic Communication Services Team from Astragraphia, invite you to get acquainted and explore more closely, starting from how to print using the Astragraphia production scale printing machine, Iridesse Production Press, and applying the special gold color to finishing the application. print (business cards, certificates, and gift cards) using the digital emboss technique.

The steps you need to prepare are:
1. Determine the Design Theme for Your Print Application
When you start, you can customize the design theme that will be applied to your certificate or business card.
2. Choose the Right Paper Type
For the pre-press stage, the Astragraphia Business Development Team used Invercote Creato paper with a media size of 330 mm x 488 mm. Because the type and thickness of the paper on Invercote is very suitable to be applied to business cards, certificates, and gift cards.
3. Use a Production Scale Printing Machine from Astragraphia
The next stage is press, you can use a production-scale printing machine that suits your business or business needs. Astragraphia Document Solution has a series of printing machines with one-time printing technology with six colors that it carries, the Iridesse Production Press can produce stunning image prints. This time, Indana and Adityo will highlight the special dry ink color gold available at the Iridesse Production Press to print training certificates as an example.
4. Apply the Emboss Technique to the Graphtec FCX 2000-60 VC Finishing Machine
The last stage is post-press. You can do quality control to see the quality of the printed application results are in accordance with the Pantone you want to get. Once appropriate, the print application can be directly cut by selecting "Cut" according to the shape and size on the Graphtec FCX 2000-60VC finishing machine. Then, you can process the "Digital Emboss Technique" by selecting "Condition 2" or "Crease" to give the impression of an embossed effect on the desired area.
How? The process steps above are very interesting, not to increase your knowledge in the process of printing and finishing techniques.
To produce such stunning prints, you certainly need a capable printing machine, and Astragraphia Document Solution has the answer. You can consult a complete range of production-scale printing machines and finishing machines of various types and specifications through our Business Consultant Team, or you can contact Halo Astragraphia at 1500 345 every Monday - Friday (07.00-18.00 WIB).