Mix and Match Yellow and Gray Colors, This is Color Trend of 2021


Pantone 2021 Image: Pantone

Astragraphia Document Solution - This is what to look forward to! For 20 years, the specialist institute of color management from the United States, The Pantone Color Institute, will regularly announce which colors will be a global trend in the following year. Through the official website www.pantone.com and its digital Instagram channel, Pantone has announced two special colors as “Pantone Color of The Year 2021”. Very different from previous years, Pantone mix and match the two elements of different colors. Both are expected to express strength and hope and revive enthusiasm throughout 2021, namely Ultimate Gray with code 17-5104 and Illuminating with code 13-0647.

How Does the Synergy Between Two Different Color Elements Affect Our Environment?

According to Leatrice Eiseman, the Executive Director of The Pantone Color Institute, said that PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating are two independent colors that highlight how different elements come together to support each other. As people seek ways to fill themselves with energy and hope to cope with the continuing uncertainty, this will ultimately fulfill our search for vibrant nuances. PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating characteristics are a bright, cheerful yellow that glistens with lively, warm yellows filled with solar power. PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray is a symbol of solid and reliable color elements that can timelessly provide a solid foundation. The colors of the pebbles on the beach and the elements of nature accentuate the ability to stand the test of time, Ultimate Gray assures calmly, encouraging feelings of calm, stability, and resilience.

In line with the spirit and synergy of the two-color trends of PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647, Astragraphia Document Solution as the leading documentary solution in Indonesia has the latest product range and solutions in 2021 that can produce the Pantone Color of The color combination. Best Year on creative print applications as well as customer document needs.

To be more enthusiastic about working, you can also apply this yellow and gray color combination in your workspace as an accent. The combination of these colors creates a cheerful, livelier impression, and can improve your mood. Not only that, with the presence of yellow and gray, the workspace will also look colorful and attractive. The atmosphere that is created also allows employees to work more focused and enthusiastic. So prepare yourself to see your yellows and grays throughout 2021!


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