Mangara Pangaribuan, Director of PT Astra Graphia Tbk: Faithful Keeping Up The Network

Faithful Keeping Up The Network

Mangara Pangaribuan's career is said to be mostly spent in the Astra Group. Since graduating from the Faculty of Economics at one of the universities in the city of Yogyakarta in 1988, he later worked in one of the automotive groups, Astra International MVD, from 1988-1990. In 1990, he moved to Astragraphia as a sales executive stationed in Makassar.

"I choose Astragraphia because at that time I was very revel of technology," said the smiling man who now holds the position of Director at PT Astra Graphia Tbk since April 2018.

Getting involved in the business of document solutions in Astragraphia Document Solution doesn't seem wrong. This is evident with his career which shot up to occupy the top position like now. "The key is first: honest, diligent, and tenacious," he continued.

As a leader, both as a Manager and Director, he uses TOP's philosophy, namely Teamwork, Obsession and Professionalism in creating a reliable, creative, innovative and solid work team.

For him, there was no Superman on the team. TOP's philosophy requires the team to add value to the company. "For example, if previously the target is so, we must add it, "Beyond the target". This provides value. They (the company) are helped by us," said the father of Pressy Amanda and Michael Armando, Marieta's husband.

Referring to TOP's philosophy, Mangara targets Astragraphia Document Solution to grow by double digits or above 10 percent this year, higher than last year's 8.5 percent, with revenues of more than 1.7 trillion rupiahs.

To boost its growth, Astragraphia markets Fuji Xerox ApeosPort/DocuCentre-VlI Series - Color Multifunction Printing Machine and PrimeLink C9065 - Digital Production Printer Machine. The second machine targets MSME entrepreneurs, which number more than 50 million entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia.

The challenge is achieving the target, said Mangara, in a very tight competition, but Astragraphia Document Solution continues to race with creative solutions from Fuji Xerox and also improves after-sales services in 32 branches and 92 Service points, which are committed to serving customers in 514 cities/districts throughout Indonesia.

What is unique, in the midst of the incessant adoption of digital technology by companies and the public, it turns out that it does not make the print business recede like other businesses. Even the print industry grew 12 percent in 2018, as well as paper consumption experiencing growth, especially in the packaging industry.

The printing industry continued to grow because it was also driven by demand in the packaging industry by the creative industry sector. Its flexibility makes the digital printing industry grow higher than offset. "In the publishing industry, digital printing can also serve printed books no matter how many they do not need to use offset printing machines. This concept we call print on demand or POD," Mangara said.

Aftersales Strategy

Amid the current challenges and opportunities, Astragraphia has an advantage over a wide post-sale network, with 32 branches, 92 service points that can reach 514 districts/cities. "This network capital has not been rivaled by competitors, especially since we have been doing business for 43 years on printing machine products," said the hobby of golf and running.

To always be able to answer customer expectations that continue to increase, then Astragraphia through the Customer Service and support department will always improve the system of handling damage to Fuji Xerox machines, so that when a problem arises in the engine/breakdown, it must be resolved quickly.

"For Astragraphia customers who use office multifunctional machines, we guarantee three hours of downtime, we are committed if there is damage to the engine, our customer engineer (technician) is ready to make repairs in less than three hours (downtime)," explained Mangara.

According to him, this could be fulfilled because Astragraphia was supported by 300 technicians from a total of 1,200 employees.

With a wide network and responsive services, Astragraphia is now firmly the market leader in this industry. The sales contribution came from the largest segments in offices and corporations, the second was the commercial sector which owned the printing business and the rest were small office and home office (SOHO).

Courtessy: Koran Jakarta, April 27, 2019
Reporter: Haryo Bruno



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