Let's Get Closer to the Management of Documents and Archives for Offices!

The Difference of Document and Archive

The document contains information that is very important in running a business organization/companies both small and large scale. At present there are still many organizations/companies that have problems related to managing company documents, resulting in the loss of important documents, most of which occur due to mismanagement of documents (miss-place). The occurrence of missing a document that is needed can make employees panic and can increase employee stress levels and reduce productivity. This problem can also disrupt the flow of internal and external document follow-up.

To avoid the aforementioned problems, an organization/company should be able to implement the process of managing company documents properly, documents that must be managed include business transaction documents, employment documents and correspondence.

Documents and archives are words that have the same understanding, based on simple theory, documents are part of the archive itself. The definition of company documents according to Law No. 8 of 1997 concerning company documents are data, records and or information made and / or received by companies in the context of carrying out their activities, whether written on paper or other means or recorded in any form that can be seen, read or heard.

While the archive according to Law No. 4 of 2009 concerning archives is the recording of activities or events in various forms and media in accordance with the development of information and communication technology created and accepted by state institutions, regional governments, educational institutions, companies, political organizations, social organizations, and individuals in the implementation of community life, nation, and state.

To ensure documents and records owned by organizations/companies have been managed properly and correctly, Astragraphia Document Solution provides some standard indicator information that must be met in the process of managing documents and records, namely:

1. Neat

The process of archiving in a company should be managed and arranged as neatly as possible so that records can be stored and recovered quickly and accurately.

2. Easy to find

Archives are arranged to make each record easier to find if at any time needed and needed for reference.

3. Well clarified

Every company can use a physical archive storage system in accordance with the desired option (for example, conventional records management can use the alphabetical system, number system, date system, regional system, and subject system). In addition, various types of archives are well clarified, so that later every historical company or individual can be placed in a particular place, whether in groups, subjects, regions, or together.

4. Easily Depreciated

Because not all records have lasting use-value, not all files can be stored continuously, but there are some files that need to be moved, or even destroyed. Dynamic archives are stored in a dynamic archive center according to the archive retention schedule. The schedule is used to show how long the dynamic archive is inactive stored in the archive center. Well, often a company has difficulty to arrange the retention time schedule of documents and archives in the office because it is too long. against archives that are past due.

Responding to the problem of archives and document management indicators above, Astragraphia Document Solution comes with a practical and sophisticated software solution: Docushare 7.0, Docushare 7.0 Solution can help organizations/companies transform towards digital that is more effective and efficient. The use of Docushare 7.0 technology, can provide a variety of sustainable benefits for your company, among others: first, avoiding data duplication (redundancy) between various divisions. Second, a document storage system that can be adjusted to your company's productivity needs through a mobile-friendly web interface integrated with a multifunctional photocopier or Fuji Xerox printer, storing documents in softcopy so that document security will be guaranteed on a separate server. Finally and most importantly, Docushare 7.0 has a lifecycle manager feature to provide notification when the document period has to be reviewed and can set a retention schedule policy for a company that is conducted centrally in one location.

With the use of the Docushare 7.0 solution, your organization can carry out the document management process by utilizing information technology so that it will help your work and make the process of managing organizational / company documents such as order management of goods, invoices, resumes and the process of retrieving records and documents easier. effective and efficient.

Source: fujixerox.com 


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