Free Flow Core from Astragraphia to Ease The Pre-Press of Your Office Documents

Free Flow Core from Astragraphia to Ease The Pre-Press of Your Office Documents Image: Astragraphia Document Solution

Astragraphia Document Solution – The ease of document flow and communication between departments is one of the main things in carrying out company activities. Good flow and perfect communication make every employee able to provide maximum results because productivity can be increased significantly.

How important is good document flow management? What makes a company must have a good management flow?

As one example, users, which in this case are employees, often encounter various types of documents such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and documents in PDF format. When you have a large number of documents, then the user will have problems managing the documents that must be stored or processed. When it comes to printing, it is not uncommon for employees to carry out a tedious pre-press process because they have to convert the documents one by one into the desired format.

Not only there, but users also sometimes have to deal with various obstacles such as the need to process a large number of images into an office document. If you do not have a good way or process management, users must upload images or photos one by one, which is inefficient and takes a lot of time.

This is what makes automation solutions in document processing an important thing to simplify your documentary solutions!

For that, Astragraphia Document Solution introduces a solution to make it easier for your office or company, namely Free Flow Core. This solution is a workflow innovation that is useful for automating the processing of documents at the pre-print or pre-press stage. Thus, all the complex obstacles faced can be removed and can increase your productivity.

The name "Free Flow Core" may sound difficult and complicated. However, you don't need to feel intimidated or worried about this solution. This feature has been designed for users and users, not engineers or IT companies. So, this feature can be applied easily and has a simple operation.

Want to know why Free Flow Core is the right solution for you? Let's have a look!

1. When users are dealing with multiple documents in various formats, Free Flow Core is able to solve this problem by combining different types of documents into the same document. With this, users can significantly reduce the pre-print steps for combining documents. Not only that, this method can also reduce errors when performing manual pre-print processing.

2. Users can use Free Flow Core to combine the results of documents that have been scanned or scanned with other documents. Not only that, users can immediately print them into attractive booklets.

3. With Free Flow Core, you can personalize documents using CSV data or Comma Separated Values.

4. Using the Printer Driver to be sent to Free Flow Core in processing pre-printed documents.

5. The Free Flow Core makes it easy for users to apply photos to attractive print applications without using additional software. This existence makes users who don't even have editing skills able to operate various needs, such as calendar design and so on.

6. Users can also send files to Free Flow Core from email using Dropbox easily and efficiently.

There are many conveniences from the Free Flow Core solution offered by Astragraphia Document Solution. Various sectors can benefit from the implementation of automated document processing, especially at the government, education, financial services, and industrial sector levels. For that, Astragraphia Document Solution hopes to be able to offer a solution for you in facilitating the flow of documents. We hope that you will continue to have creative ideas to increase the productivity of your business.

To see the complete range of products and solutions from Astragraphia Document Solution, you can contact Halo Astragraphia at 1500345 at 06.00 - 18.00 WIB Monday - Friday.


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