Document Management System Bridges All Existing Systems in the Company The final series of enterprise

Document Management System Bridges All Existing Systems in the Company The final series of enterprise

The final series of enterprise document management solutions is actually an old technology that is booming again in the current Industry 4.0 era. The Document Management System is essentially an efficiency that results in productivity, where all documents that have been documented can be accessed by everyone.

Does that sound familiar? Yes, the last stage is indeed similar to the data /folder sharing system on GDrive which is commonly used by individuals and businesses. In companies that use Google as their operational base, GDrive is indeed in line with other Google features. But for companies that already use a variety of systems in operation, they will need bridging for all, this is where the document management system plays a role.

Image 2 - Document Management System Bridges All Existing Systems in the Company The final series of enterprise

The document management system has functions including:

• User authority, where it will be set who is the admin or user with full access for example

• Repository, to archive documents that are not actively used

• Content management from storage to management, such as cooperation agreements involving several parties at once. Each of these parties can access, upload and change the contents of the document. In the future, content management is designed to be able to send notifications in the form of e-mail if the expiration of an agreement is almost over.

• Audit trail, to see who has accessed, downloaded, shared or forwarded a document.

• Versioning, where the latest edited version will be saved without removing the initial data

• Split & combine, allows you to take part in file A to be inserted into file B

• Search files are easier with the repository feature

• Workflow routing that is useful for the approval of a document. In a multilevel organizational structure where the approval process runs from A to B then to C, then the documents that are sent to B cannot be read by C before they are read and approved by B. This process replaces the initial approval process on paper.

The above features are possible with the addition of the use of OpenText Documentum software, Fuji Xerox DocuShare, and OpenText Alchemy.

OpenText Documentum is an advanced solution that is widely known and used because it can be customized in detail, allows integration with customer Core Systems, and can be implemented into more complex workflows.

Beside becomes, repository Fuji Xerox Docushare can be used for document collaboration if there is a need for approval or versioning, and also for retention (notification settings when the document expires). While OpenText Alchemy is a software intended specifically for repositories.

This discussion is also the closing of a series of office software which consists of the Print Management System, Data Capture, and finally the Document Management System, all of which lead to the same goal, namely efficiency, and effectiveness in work.

 For more information about managing documents from the Print Management System, Data Capture, and finally, the Document Management System, contact Halo Astragraphia in numbers 1500-345 every Monday - Friday, during business hours (06.00 - 18.00 WIB).


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