Astragraphia's Secret Tips for Appealing Print Packaging and Product Labels

Packaging and labels on a product are one of the important factors that can strengthen a business branding strategy. For small-medium - to large scale business owners, now it can no longer just rely on the vision and mission of a product or use marketing strategies through social media. Especially in the midst of intense competition, attractive brands and packaging will certainly become an identifier as well as a differentiator that can attract the attention of customers to fall in love with our own brand compared to competing brands. One surefire way to increase the value of our products is through attractive packaging designs and product labels, you can convey information about business identities such as logos, product quality, and so on.
Astragraphia tries to provide education on tips and tricks for small and medium industry entrepreneurs on how to start creating and designing attractive packaging and product labels but does not require a large capital. The question that most often comes from small industry entrepreneurs is "How to make a good product packaging design without the need to increase production costs?". Aditomo Priyo as Business Application Designer from PT Astra Graphia Tbk said that an attractive package or product does not have to be expensive and complicated, you only need to be creative and understand the balance of shape, color, and meaning. So that your product will be more stand out where attractive and unique product packaging and label design will certainly have a character that will distinguish it from other similar products.
Unique and attractive product packaging and labels certainly apply a number of important things that can influence the success or failure of a business. To that end, Astragraphia Document Solution together with Aditomo Priyo will provide secret tips on making packaging and product designs more attractive.
1. Choose the right color
The color on the packaging of a product is very important, almost 90% of purchases are based only on color. So, we must know the role and meaning of color in packaging design, for example:
• Red symbolizes passion, strength, love, and courage
• Yellow symbolizes optimism, hope, and philosophy
• Orange symbolizes energy, balance, warmth, and determination
• Green symbolizes fertility, nature, and power
• Blue symbolizes trust, security, and technology
• Purple symbolizes spiritual, majesty and change
• Pink symbolizes romantic, gentle and beautiful
2. Choose the appropriate packaging form
Most people's decisions in buying a product may start from noticing that packaging for products that tend to be attractive. It turns out it's not a coincidence, there are psychological considerations in the form of the packaging, for that you can make packaging designs according to that.
3. Include product information that is easy to understand
It is important for industrial businesses to include all information about the product accurately such as the type of product, ingredient composition, brand name, and logo as well as the date of production and also the expiration date of the item itself. For example, slogan sentences, persuasive words, brand names, and others. Although they want to be interesting but avoid using excessive, or less important, sentences that can confuse consumers. Use a simple style of language, easy to remember but able to interpret the goals and goods.
4. Make some parts of your package transparent.
There is a lot of research that shows that if a part of your packaging is neatly and transparently wrapped, it will encourage purchases and significantly add value to the product. When you think about it, that makes sense. If you are not familiar with a product, understanding what it looks like will psychologically increase your belief that it's like feeling the sensation of receiving a premium gift
By knowing the secrets of making attractive packaging and product label designs, we hope that small-scale industry entrepreneurs will get insights to create more depth besides that, of course, business profits will increase. Please visit the Astragraphia Document Solution website at to see what Astragraphia product range can produce quality packaging and labels for your business.