Astragraphia Improves Mobility and Customer Experience

Mobility and customer experience

Astragraphia Document Solution - The presence of multi-functional devices around us has changed the way we work, including how we complete routine tasks. Printing documents, for example, was previously limited to a desktop or laptop computer.

With a variety of cloud-based applications that can be accessed from any device, anyone can now print and scan documents at any time and from any location. Mobility can boost productivity and, in some cases, improve the customer experience.

You are no longer reliant on a computer to print documents because of a mobile application that allows you to print on demand wherever you are. Assume you require a PDF document for a meeting. You can use the mobile app to print documents from a connected office printer and have them ready for meetings on time.

Aside from printing from anywhere, businesses with a security policy can benefit from the new generation of multifunction printer (MFP) machines with NFC (Near-Field Communications) capabilities. This means that only authorized users can use the printer by tapping their smartphone into it. This improves print efficiency while also increasing security.

Employees can access and print documents whenever and wherever they want using mobile services like this. And, in the future, mobile apps for printing documents will be able to connect to cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox, allowing you to print documents directly from the cloud without having to download files to your smartphone or tablet. This will significantly increase employee productivity while decreasing demand for mobile storage.

Smartphones are increasingly being used to serve customers in restaurants and retail stores. In Singapore, for example, an increasing number of restaurants are already using mobile apps for self-payment, reducing staff workload and improving customer experience. Printing documents from mobile applications are just one of the many advantages that mobility can provide.


FUJIFILM Business Innovation


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