5 Benefits of Digital Document Management

Digital Document

Astragraphia Document Solution - In the midst of the challenges of today's business world, the presence of digital technology in various industrial sectors such as: telecommunications, cloud, data analytics, massive IoT, encourages the formation of a digital work environment. The change from a conventional work environment to a digital one certainly requires various preparations, one of which is quite crucial is the problem of document management.

One of them is the management of physical documents that require a lot of space. Companies sometimes experience problems when switching to implementing digital document management. For this reason, Astragraphia Document Solution will invite you to identify 5 benefits of digital document management as follows:

1. Safe Data Backup

You must be familiar with the term "rice has become porridge". This is undesirable when you manage almost all of your data in the form of paper documents. When unexpected conditions occur (eg floods, blackouts), your confidential office documents may be lost and do not have duplicate data. When you switch to digital document management, you can easily back up data to store on a server or centralized data store that your office usually uses (Cloud or Google Drive). No need to worry, when you have to leave the office for a long time, but you can rest assured that your documents will be safe from any disaster.

2. Security Improvement

Office documents are strictly confidential. Thus, there is a need for an adequate level of security and control over who can retrieve important information. By moving your data to the cloud, you can set permissions for each document, folder or cupboard and clearly identify who took what documents & when.

3. Easier and Flexible Collaboration

A work environment that implements a digital workflow in the company can improve internal and external collaboration between colleagues. For example, an employee or manager may be able to access and distribute files as well as in the approval process at certain times.

4. Cost and Time Efficiency

Manually managing paper documents and archiving is of course very time-consuming, costly, and requires a large amount of space. The processing, storage, and retrieval of archived records can be significantly improved when moving to an electronic environment. If your company has a branch office located in a remote area, your staff can now get instant access to the documents they need.

Being able to search for files or documents from their laptop instead of searching manually through filing cabinets saves time. The document management process also offers massive productivity improvements for your staff. Instead of rummaging through filing cabinets for elusive information, simply look it up from your laptop.

5. Ease of Document Search

The digital work environment enables you to improve faster decision-making and reduce the time to search for the required documents. Most document management software uses OCR, which is a technology that allows you to convert various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files, or images captured with a digital camera into editable and searchable data. Once your data is converted using OCR software, it is much easier to organize, search, store and even display online. You just need to make sure that the document is given the proper document naming format. Implementing a digital workflow or designing how you want your documents to be filed usually results in content that is consistently archived the same way. For example, all invoices that come into your company will be digitally archived with the same information (Invoice #, Date, Vendor Name, Expenditure Code, and more).

Astragraphia Document Solution as your loyal partner is ready to support solutions for your document needs in the transition to a digital work environment.

Digital Document

By digitizing your workflow, it's possible to map documents across your organization. Astragraphia Document Solution introduces a Document Management System (DMS) solution. DMS allows you to integrate all paper documents and electronic documents into a centralized storage system.

To find out more about digital document management solutions with the Document Management System, you can contact Halo Astragraphia Every Monday – Friday 08.00 – 17.00 WIB.


  • Astragraphia Document Solution


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